The death of a spouse is probably one of the most challenging life events that could happen to someone. While the grieving process will run its own course and can’t be rushed, in the mean time, the widow or widower will be facing a host of issues, such as: an increase in the number of financial decisions being made, changing future goals, and the emotional challenges of ending a spousal relationship.
At NorStar Financial, our guidance and planning services help clients minimize his or her sudden hardships due to the death of a spouse or a partner.
Complete Financial Planning for Widows/Widowers
– A tailored financial checklist for the widowed client to go through at the death of their loved ones
– Healthcare options analysis and continuation of coverage for the surviving spouse
– Social Security benefits claiming strategies for the widow/widower’s unique situations
– Collaborating with other professionals on postmortem tax planning and updating the widowed client’s estate planning documents
– Assessment of risk management needs in light of the death of a spouse or a partner
– Pre-committment discussion of financial matters before your entering a committed new relationship
– A life plan to support your transition
– And many more…